Prices dip by £2,000 over the past month

Prices dip by £2,000 over past month

The average inquiring cost💳 of properties coming to market has dropped🔻by 0.6% or £2,044 to £342,401 since October, checking the biggest month-to-month drop since January, concurring to figures from Rightmove.
However, yearly cost growth✔️continued, with prices up by 6.3% year on year, down hardly on October’s figure of 6.5%. Agents report that many property🏠holders are getting their homes prepared to sell and get to market in time for a surge in interest from buyers inquiring about potential properties online over the festive period.
The number of potential venders😎 asking a valuation from an estate specialist through the Rightmove site was 14% higher in October than the same period last year in a sign that momentum is building. Prices dip by £2,000 over past month

The number of people browsing properties on Rightmove during the post-Christmas Day happy period has been expanding each year, with visits on Boxing Day last year 54% higher than the past year.

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